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Company of Heroes

Siou (inf) vs UlfTheGreat (def)

#1Siou  Sep 20 2009, 18:00 PM -
Replays: 54 Game:
This was a pretty funny game against Ulf, hope you will like it! smile.gif

I went t1,t2,t4 - ulf went t1,t2,t3.

Lots of snipers, tanks and infantry battles with arty ftw tongue.gif

#2JagdLEV  Sep 20 2009, 18:01 PM -
Replays: 5 Game:
going to watch it!

go siou go
#3TheBreeze  Sep 20 2009, 20:09 PM -
Replays: 13 Game:
I will shoutcast this with DesertFox, if his computer is fixed by tomorrow. smile.gif
#4Siou  Sep 20 2009, 20:19 PM -
Replays: 54 Game:
I will shoutcast this with DesertFox, if his computer is fixed by tomorrow. smile.gif

Awesome! - looking forward to it smile.gif
#5InRussiaCarDriveYou  Sep 20 2009, 23:44 PM -
really good one, i liked your flanks well played

wub =)
#6Inverse  Sep 20 2009, 23:56 PM -
Wubbed. Great game.
#7Hamilt0n  Sep 21 2009, 00:10 AM -
Replays: 30 Game:
Beautiful US play. Nice Snipers on both sides, Ulf's met a careless demise (as did a few of his other units), which was a shame, since he was rocking the shit at the start.

Vet 3 Sherman too wub.gif, your tank micro was very impressive, and you chose some very clever retreat paths, using buildings and hedges to your optimal advantage.

Best bit was when you drove an M10 into his base to bait his Pak while the real attack was with your Sherman on his frontline. Genius.

I learnt a lot from this, thanks for posting smile.gif.
#8BasileusHotshot  Sep 21 2009, 07:14 AM -
Best bit was when you drove an M10 into his base to bait his Pak while the real attack was with your Sherman on his frontline. Genius.

Best move in the game! And it was even better that you didn't lose neither the M10 nor the M4. GJ Siou. The way Ulf's snipers were bleeding your MP and his map control bleeding your VPs, I really couldn't see how you could pull this off. I think he could pull this off, had he built his 1st 88 were he built his 2nd one, instead of trying to build it in front of his main force. GG, I enjoyed it! thumb.gif
#9Gop  Sep 21 2009, 07:45 AM -
Replays: 11 Game:
#10lazuka12  Sep 21 2009, 12:37 PM -
Replays: 16 Game:
GG Wp newbie!:P
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