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Company of Heroes

48 min carnage on semois

#1GenDodo  Dec 21 2011, 19:06 PM -
Inf vs Luft, lots of death everywhere

vet 3 rifles
vet 3 rangers

You don't usually see me play 1vs1 (havn't since 2.601) any tips would be good smile.gif

Some mistakes were made on my part, got over microed twice and lost a lot of shit post-13661-1143531603.gif
#2Mortality  Dec 21 2011, 20:18 PM -
Replays: 50 Game:
Linked to Strategy forums: here
#3nonsensei  Dec 22 2011, 11:29 AM -
Replays: 42 Game:
i don't have time to write play by play review, so here's just a quick summary of errors i've seen...

1. teching - floating manpower and fuel early game with MP built, and then going BARs before MP units with just 3 rifles on the field. Idk if you forgot about MP, or was it a bad game sense...
2. fighting - you have to choose your engagements better, decide which fights are worth fighting... it's OK, and sometimes it's necessary to trade manpower for resources (fuel, ammo and TIME), but don't waste manpower without any gain post-13661-1143531603.gif.
This post has been edited by nuclearsensei: Dec 22 2011, 11:31 AM
#4Kwinno  Dec 22 2011, 13:33 PM -
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