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Company of Heroes

Gravedigger see new sniper with 0 kills in clock.

#1LuckyStilet  Nov 11 2023, 13:19 PM -
Replays: 411
what a pathetic noob
#2TheSkYisTheLimiT  Nov 11 2023, 15:13 PM -
Replays: 363
biggrin.gif this guy =)
#3Volkl  Nov 12 2023, 01:05 AM -
Replays: 0 Game:
The replay should be examined at the 4:30 mark. After destroying the Wehr schwim, the bren carrier heads east to the two half-health pgren squads in the middle of the field. This was the only rational destination at the time given what was legitimately known. However, it then made a sudden left turn and zig-zagged directly to an unrevealed enemy sniper ~4:45.

Nothing in this replay enlightened me beyond what I've already known, in general or in particular.

A decade ago, when relaying issues with basic match games, ranked players said those games don't matter and anyone who cared should play ranked instead to largely avoid those issues. Well how did that work out for you? I'll suggest it's just the opposite now. If you care about these issues, you should abandon ranked games and play custom matches where non-conforming players can be rejected. Leaderboards are so tainted, why play for rank anymore?
#4LUCKBAR  Nov 12 2023, 11:24 AM -
Replays: 13
i rewatched the game from his perspective and observed the path commands of the bren. he is sending it directly to the snipers direction.

there was no sign that the sniper is there.

case is clear - abadas is a maphacker. i hope for him to not get matched with me as mate.
#5djw2104  Nov 12 2023, 13:28 PM -

Replays: 8 Game:
Gravedigger is abadass then.

Needs looking into by a Replay Reviewer for me to take any action.
#6Arashenstein  Nov 12 2023, 13:39 PM -

Replays: 80 Game:
QUOTE(djw2104 @ Today, 13:28 PM)
Gravedigger is abadass then.

Needs looking into by a Replay Reviewer for me to take any action.

Yea I just checked his Steam profile it is him. 13 years account, same profile picture and even the nickname history has "Abadas" in it.
#7redbullzuiper  Nov 13 2023, 17:25 PM -

Replays: 45 Game:
I will watch the replay today and see what I find

Edit: Watched the replay
This post has been edited by redbullzuiper: Nov 13 2023, 17:55 PM
#8redbullzuiper  Nov 13 2023, 19:00 PM -
After reviewing the brief <7-minute replay, I find it insufficient for rendering a conclusive judgment based on only this replay.

Nevertheless, I possess an additional replay forwarded by another player, and in this particular match, the anomalies were even more pronounced. The specific instance occurred on the Lorraine map, where Abadas, playing as PE, directed his AC straight into the Fog of War towards snipers on multiple occasions.

You can watch both cases here:

Verdict (based on this and other replay)
Maphack ✅
#9redbullzuiper  Nov 13 2023, 19:21 PM -

Replays: 45 Game:
It's disheartening to witness him resort to the same behavior he once fought against.
#10LUCKBAR  Nov 13 2023, 20:44 PM -
Replays: 13
dont we have enough replays from syrian tiger to prove it the official way?
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