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Company of Heroes

Bulat vs Freestyler

#1bulatcr  Apr 21 2021, 06:59 AM -
Replays: 37 Game:
Some good action on langres, 1 hour long.
88 missing rifle and killing sniper xD something that can never happen lol
#2Arashenstein  Apr 23 2021, 07:52 AM -

Replays: 80 Game:
88 missing and accidentally hitting sniper happened to me 2 times in the same game vs Xcom and he started calling me "noob" for it not sure how it was connected to my skills level but well biggrin.gif

These things happen to me a lot for some reason I even had a game where my V1 hit the guy's T17 and it lost no HP!
#3MoreLuckPlease  Aug 16 2021, 19:48 PM -
Replays: 252 Game:
this game became massacre just because of masochist wm play, even didnt try to arty the howitzer...
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