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Company of Heroes

Guderian (Armor) vs AnJunH (SE)

#11EisenReich  Sep 17 2012, 18:10 PM -
Replays: 4 Game:
Anjun posted an 2 games of him winning vs Guderian today. One ownage game and another pretty competitive game on wrecked.
#12ISSIGuderian  Sep 17 2012, 19:27 PM -
Replays: 202 Game:
Indeed he has, he even copied my replay description for the semois game and you wubbed both of them biggrin.gif
I haven't had a good dick measuring contest in a while, so how about I challenge your dearest friend AnJun to a bo3 on any of the big three (ango, semo, langr - we veto) using screenshotter? ^^ Please let him know, or, since judging by his ping he is from Beijing he can give me a call and I'll arrange one myself in good'ol chinese language ^^
#13EisenReich  Sep 17 2012, 20:20 PM -
Replays: 4 Game:
Indeed he has, he even copied my replay description for the semois game and you wubbed both of them biggrin.gif
I haven't had a good dick measuring contest in a while, so how about I challenge your dearest friend AnJun to a bo3 on any of the big three (ango, semo, langr - we veto) using screenshotter? ^^ Please let him know, or, since judging by his ping he is from Beijing he can give me a call and I'll arrange one myself in good'ol chinese language ^^

I am not aquainted with one AnJun. I wubbed his replays just so said dick measuring contest could happen smile.gif. The game on wrecked was great. Semois I could tell you were frustrated.

I wubbed your replay too wink.gif
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