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Company of Heroes

epic 2v2 battle 2

#1LUCKBAR  Dec 31 2015, 09:55 AM -
Replays: 13
how the tide turns, when you have good anti inf support in midgame. gg
#2bulatcr  Dec 31 2015, 10:19 AM -
Replays: 37 Game:
dat counter post Kappa
nothing even close to be called "epic" here, just good play from mixed axis with SE and nothing from dual US against all these pe things
still gg though
#3LUCKBAR  Dec 31 2015, 11:40 AM -
Replays: 13
well, if we would lost almost all panthers in this game too, it could gave you the possibility to come back and make it an epic game wink.gif

but shows, that in our epic game the anti inf force was too low
#4bulatcr  Dec 31 2015, 12:52 PM -
Replays: 37 Game:
this is what all games contain - mistakes from both sides, ur mistake made really good game our mistake didn't make it, it was pretty easy for you.
no excuse from me or smth and i'm not trying to be an arrogant asshole, just saying
and it's a bit pathetic how you post it just to show that you won against us, when this game was played december 8 and doesn't contain anything special
#5LUCKBAR  Dec 31 2015, 13:00 PM -
Replays: 13
i posted this game to show how to beat almost the same tactic with a different faction and analyze the mistakes from dbl wehr.

so i dont care if its pathetic and i didnt upload it "to show that i beat you".
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