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Company of Heroes

TheEldarGod vs Noggano

#1TheEldarPlayer  Apr 21 2012, 12:08 PM -
Replays: 18
Thanks Guderian for inventing the Blitzkrieg otherwise,noggano hordes of hellcats would have ripped to me shreds for sure:
-Blitzkrieg vs Armor
-Loads and Loads of hellcats hordes,Pershings callipioes,sherman
-a blob of my beloved stugs elites,a tiger elite.great pak micro(as I always promise)stuh my life sviour imo,Campy wehr style.Nice use of Blitz MP too.
-epic scene where a stuh using ground attack to nail down Noggano sniper:P
I simply cant counter snipers(producing a bike+sniper and counter)so I always upgrade mp40s and stuhs.GG wp noggano.

Uploaded again for the request of some players who cant find this link:(

This is why Blitzkrieg+Stug spam=OP this guy was top 7# when this match occurred enjoy.
This post has been edited by TheEldarPlayer: Mar 1 2013, 21:40 PM
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