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Company of Heroes

Axis spam from Hell

#31darealslimshady  Mar 10 2012, 19:57 PM -
I typically don't even post on replays anymore, but after watching this one I feel the need to add my 2 cents.

1) i don't get why you're saying l2p and l2micro and other stuff when these guy's didn't say anything to antagonize you. I realize sniper spam is kinda tough to deal with, but you act like they're the only ones abusing when you're using one of the most abusive/mind numbingly dumb combos in CoH (recon/counter snip).

2) I'm not going to get into any debate on which is more abusive (axis/allies blah blah blah), but telling them to l2p l2micro when you're playing MIXED ALLIES with recon/counter snipe is pretty hypocritical.

So yeah I can't really wub this replay given that both sides played pretty sub par, plus the unnecessary trash talk. All this game was, was two teams trying to out abuse the other.

But what do I know anyways, I'm just a 1v1 noob smile.gif
#32allgunsblazing  Mar 11 2012, 13:50 PM -
Replays: 20 Game:
But what do I know anyways, I'm just a 1v1 noob smile.gif

Oh the sarcasm wub.gif
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