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Company of Heroes

Surprise (Luftwaffe) vs HotShotJPN (Royal Arty)

#1Suprise  Oct 15 2007, 05:57 AM -
Replays: 29
Here is an interesting game on Hinderdam, that dispite the doctrine matchup is actually quite fast and involves a good 6-7 Cromwells giving it all for the king in an attempt to wipe me out. I have to utilize every AT trick in the PE book to knock them out, with AT grenades, Tank Destroyer squads, Marders, Light AT halftracks and Panzerknacker strikes. I belive we both could have played a bit better, I lose a marder and a few squads I shouldn't have, Hotshot goes a bit too aggressive with his tanks and often exposes his howies to raids (which I capitalize on) but all in all, he had an interesting strategy of cromwell spam with the command tank and artillery to cover them against infantry hordes.
#2TheYung  Oct 15 2007, 11:52 AM -
Replays: 9 Game:
he actually stood a chance of winning
why did he base rush over and over again............
those marders were having such a field day
#3Kensai X  Oct 19 2007, 15:47 PM -
Replays: 0 Game:
Hey Surprise great playing there really utilized all of the Panzer Elite's anti-tank abilities to fulll effect. I had a fun time shoutcasting this match and the strategy that HotShot tried looks promising I'm currently looking for him to provide his thoughts on the game and how might he improve the strategy for future use. Overall a great game.
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