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Company of Heroes

lvl 11 wehr beat top 20 US player

#1WillRommel  Jun 23 2011, 23:48 PM -
Replays: 17 Game:
Pride posting this one because of the chat abuse he pulled on me... GG anyway Amphetamines, on any other map i would have been destroyed.
#2Beina  Jun 23 2011, 23:57 PM -
Replays: 30 Game:
poor ame play -

Poor wehr play -

I dont understand why this has been posted, then again i dont understand why half the replays get posted here.

I asked this player for a rematch but he declined.

#3SuchIsLife  Jun 24 2011, 00:30 AM -
Replays: 108 Game:
The Stats reset has put a lot of people at the top that would normally only dream of being there. With Wehr being so OP in this patch it's not surprising that you will come across noobs that are there simply because they have played a bunch of games since the patch. I've got 2 profiles in the top 50 ahead of the best players in the game so does that mean I'm better than them...Hell NO!
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