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Company of Heroes

[R4] R4G3 MarinezReborn Vs EpsilsonContador #3

Sturzdorf (2)
Sturzdorf (2)
Game 1 of 3
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Game 3 of 3
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#1Marinez  Feb 5 2012, 20:08 PM -
Cuntador says gg, and refuses to quit to then pull out a Pershing and some more awm.
#2steger  Feb 15 2012, 18:29 PM -
Replays: 1 Game:
Ehh... Did Contador just threw that away? Im a noob but didnt he had the start and mid game? It seemed he wanted to toy and humiliate Marinez.
#3ScottNL  Feb 17 2012, 13:18 PM -
Replays: 2 Game:
He has the right to use propaganda to mislead the enemy :-)

He didn't deal with those 2 snipers that cost him over 50 men. One of the factors that he lost. Very entertaining game. Wub
#4Stazis  Feb 18 2012, 19:45 PM -
Replays: 0 Game:
I lol'd when Sturmtroopers wanted to destroy M10 by clashing themselves against it on 25 min. Wub for snipers

P.S. Marinez, don't you think you're a bit nervous? Cheer up!
#5Lbode9  Feb 23 2012, 11:45 AM -
Replays: 5 Game:
I say its bad form to gg then push on with intent to win. True it is a game and may be propaganda but when someone says gg it means gg I throw in the towel the game is over. Why would you comment on the game if it isn't over. What if he played like sh&t after the gg was said. I see guys doing that at the mid-level and of course I'm not giving up when they say that but I may not be micro-ing or teching like I would if I thought they were coming at me still. It would be one thing to say come on wipe out my base I have no units left to taunt him but to trick him then go for the kill seems weak. If you can't win fair just accept its a game and move on.
#6gnbnvidia  Mar 21 2012, 21:45 PM -
Replays: 0
#7aspmordheim  Mar 27 2012, 00:54 AM -
Replays: 1 Game:
Saw it, I agree that its bad form by Contador to say GG and then push for victory still.

Sad to see another expert game decided by Snipers. I'd wish they weren't so game-defining.

Can someone please explain to this non-expery why Contador goes for for the Strategic point outside of his base at the start of the game? Isn't that point less important than many of the other resource points?
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