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Company of Heroes

Budwise & Marinez vs Keeps & Barton

#11Panzerschreck  Feb 8 2012, 06:48 AM -
Replays: 0 Game:
Hi to all!
I am new in CoH and.....
Can someone help me about watching replays...i don't understand this part
(where 'USERNAME' is the name corresponding to the user login on your computer)...
I apologize for writing here...

U need to download the replay to you're Coh playback folder, should be in 'my documents' then you can load it while you have Coh open... I hope this helps...

I have done everything you said but it doesnt appears in game recordings.....

You start CoH, then you start up skirmish game and then you see that "game history" panel up there.. From there you choose replays and now you should see all your saved replays, temp.rep (latest game you have played) and all replays you have put to your C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\playback folder. (Notice: My Documents! You MUST NOT create playback folder to Program Files\THQ\Company of Heroes folder)

If you still can't see it I assume you haven't patched game to 2.602? Or maybe the replay was damaged during download or while moving it to playback folder, so you can always try downloading it again.
This post has been edited by Panzerschreck: Feb 8 2012, 07:01 AM
#12Panzerschreck  Feb 8 2012, 16:11 PM -
Replays: 0 Game:
Nice replay! I love Heinkels, shame that they are so expensive. Vet3def panther is definitely best tank in game (yes, better than M10).
#13ProseBeforeHos  Feb 9 2012, 15:01 PM -
Replays: 0 Game:
That flak cannon capture was hilarious. It killed 4 vehicles in 4 shots.
#14bercerus  Feb 12 2012, 00:20 AM -
Replays: 4 Game:
i curious about sumthing when i watch these kind of super pro or famous player's replay

why PE player always not giving a fuck(or give...... a little) about snipers, just 1-2 is fine but this 3 of them

they just keep let them bleed your mp and decrease your number and he act like nothing bad happen?

just keep moving and shooting.....oh just got 1 man left, but i dont care. just want to send some 88mm rocket from shreck to ami's ass, even if it means i got whole squad killed

and US didnt try to want to win by VP. they just send unit to fight?

WE the medium skill player always cap as hell. even if lose the fight but still can win the match by VP

and ME the medium rank PE player always got freak out when see sniper more than 2, and always act fast(build SC,not send PG too up front) before my mp bleed dry

but still lose as hell?

im lose some logic here

btw, still very funny to see m10s got chew like candy, if were me in budwise place, i click quit when lose all vehicle and 88 to ami's m10 blob. marinez do a INCREDIBLE job here for always cut m10's tread,call CAS and best of all, keep pouring panther on the field like crazy.
This post has been edited by bercerus: Feb 12 2012, 00:26 AM
#15Fallbot  Feb 12 2012, 06:59 AM -
Replays: 3 Game:
UL Ipfk and Barton shame to see such nooby senseless PE play prevail
#16fitherpro  May 3 2012, 18:45 PM -
Replays: 0
fun game enjoy
#17fitherpro  May 3 2012, 18:45 PM -
Replays: 0
fun game enjoy
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