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Dawn of War 3

1v1 First online match

Charon's Rest (2p)
Charon's Rest (2p)
#1stapla05  May 3 2017, 23:34 PM -
Replays: 10 Game:
Charons Rest(map) patch - 1v1(one verse one) e(eldar) vs sm(space marines)
ok this game I go for a standard cap order on a pretty balanced map from first look each side looks even only cover in critical area to deny abuse or mistreatment of to gain a specific avantage or unfair avantage there is a small walkway to the left side of the centre allow a sneak attack and on the other a walkway between 2 sp(strategic points allow a push from many different direction so placement of unit becomes crucial due to on wrong attack you can lose territory. This game I still don't understand the resource system atm(at the moment) put time into other areas first before a glance at my resources or do research into it. I lack power so I had to do with mostly dire avengers and use of cover I try make a push into his territory multiple times but fail each time he slowly takes 1 sp at a time and place units to counter so I could not do much but hope he makes a mistake and wait for me to acquire more knowledge to pass another option so I can counter his unit composition. GG wp I like how he played from only my perspective effective play.
#2Vexbomb  May 4 2017, 15:14 PM -
Replays: 0
Stapla from dow 1 and dowsanc?
#3stapla05  May 5 2017, 00:19 AM -
Replays: 10 Game:
Yes hello nice to meet who might you be =).
#4UnshavenRaven  May 5 2017, 01:33 AM -
Replays: 5 Game:
Awesome, it's always good to see an old skool DoW Sanctuary member here on GameReplays. I used to do shoutcasts on DoW Sanctuary back in the old DoWPro Mod days with Korbah. Back when I had the old user name "MeatTosser" lol.
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