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Dawn of War 3


Port Saunderus (2p)
Port Saunderus (2p)
#1stapla05  May 27 2017, 07:42 AM -
Replays: 10 Game:
15673v patch - 1 verse 1 elder verse ork port saunderus game 2. 12 day break from dow3 So I wont do anything special basic game I try to control lots of sp early on. I know with little knowledge I have that you don't gain income from sp capture early on require built apron sp equivalent I build up eco on sp early on to boost income limit success. I lose territory pretty early on with one loss of a dire avenger squad and lose middle and top sp. with the lack force 6min in early game. I was quite exposed 6min in but push back with dark reapers and control high ground mid game to stop any attack. I push into base and kill power core about 20 min in I needed to lower his defences to get this task complete.
This post has been edited by stapla05: May 27 2017, 07:45 AM
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