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Dawn of War 3

SM vs Eldar3

Charon's Rest (2p)
Charon's Rest (2p)
#1jimraynortw  Oct 8 2017, 14:44 PM -
Replays: 18
SM vs Eldar3
#2Bolivar687  Oct 9 2017, 04:06 AM -
Replays: 1 Game:
I like how the SM player got ahead in tech to neutralize the Eldar's infantry-focused loadout. Having 4 Vyper doctrines and Warp Spiders as the final Elite didn't do much when SM was able to get some armor going with the Predator, Assault Terminators, and the Dreadnoughts at the end to finish the game. Those Vypers didn't come out early enough and Eldar could've used some Wraith constructs instead to hold off the SM at the end. Really good map control and better build diversity won the day.
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