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Dawn of War 3

[Reviewed] vs gin

Port Saunderus (2p)
Port Saunderus (2p)
#1moolyftw  May 1 2017, 20:51 PM -
I took "No mistake game" as a challenge to try to find some ways you could improve your play as I believe you can always play better!

- You didn't upgrade your generators. This is a huge mistake and lost you a lot of possible money.
- You could have pressured his weak flank more and stayed defensive on the top side rather than pushing up hill into his strong flank
- At multiple points during the game (notably 4 mins, and 7 mins onwards), you started to hover a lot of resources, you need to work on spending that money.
- You left your flanks undefended through a lot of the game, leaving units towards your bottom point and top shield gen would have made you a lot safer (see all the times he got free damage to your shield gen and at 13 mins where he deals massive damage to your bottom middle point)
- Throughout a lot of the game you had too much money and a weak army, I believe this is because you rushed high tech and I think this is a punishable mistake.
- You queued a lot, for example at 17 mins you queue all 4 basic upgrades. This weakened your army for a while and any multiple queues fast the start of the game should be avoided.

Your late game play was pretty messy too, you could have ended that game a LOT quicker and you hovered a LOT of money. But apart from what I've mentioned and a few nitpicks your early game was not at all bad. The top thing I would say is try to spend your money better, be a bit more active and most importantly upgrade your generators!

Keep improving and keep submitting replays!
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