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Champion of the Week #2 : Kayle!

By Cindex - 5th January 2011 - 01:24 AM

Kayle, the second Champion of the Week, was...interesting. What can I say? She's an angry angel.

First Impressions

Kayle can be powerful in the right situations, but playing her feels like a chore; then again, she is a support character, so it comes with the class. Perhaps normal solo queue is not the way to go with her, especially considering the coordination required for her ultimate. "By the way, you're going to be invulnerable for 2 seconds...NOW, so do what you gotta do and get the **** out!" is not the easiest thing to type up in game chat.


How do you think she did? After playing roughly fifteen games with her I might have won five of them. The pictures were deleted out of frustration (not joking). It didn't feel like she made that big of an impact in the early game. Maybe it was the build. Moving on...


Doran's Ring comes highly recommended as a starting item. Due to her spell's mana costs, two were usually necessary. A meki pendant can be taken instead, but you sacrifice a good amount of health and Ability Power. Mercury treads synergize well with Kayle's ability to escape most situations. As heard from another player: "You're playing Kayle? Atleast get a Guinsoo's Rageblade, otherwise good luck." So I did. This item is great when combined with Righteous Fury. Ranged, spammable area-of-effect attacks? Farm away.

I had problems early game before obtaining the Rageblade. I did not level up Righteous Fury first, therefore my farming suffered. Instead I chose to level up Reckoning and Divine Blessing in tandem for harassment and survivability.

Kayle is adept at getting away from bad situations, or helping teammates do so. Slow the chaser, slap on a Divine Blessing for movement speed and hightail it out of there with a Ghost or some mobility boots. Either way, one of you is going to take the fall, and it's Kayle's fault according to the solo crowd.

Final Thoughts

If Kayle is casting friendly spells on you, then run the opposite direction of the enemy. If Kayle is casting unfriendly spells on you, you still might get her.

Playing Kayle over the holidays is not advised. Or, maybe it is advised, since some eggnog can put you back into a good mood. Happy New Year!

CotW #3

Now, it's time to get the next Champion vote underway. Who will follow in Kayle's wing flaps as the third Champion of the Week? Let's look at our choices...
  • Fiddlesticks
  • Katarina
  • Morgana
  • Ryze
  • Sivir
  • Taric
  • Gragas
  • Shen
  • Kog'Maw
  • Xin Zhao
Vote now in the forums.
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