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Wards: Unlikely Guardians

By SeaKnightofEa - 25th July 2010 - 22:59 PM

Have you ever cringed at the sight of a powerballing Rammus wheeling himself towards you, knowing that he's going to taunt and kill you? Or have you ever been Katarina and watched as a skill shot comes and kills you? Now, unexpectedly, these items costing 90 and 150 gold could allow you to escape these situations, kill champions easier, and scout all at the same time.

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Now if you see a Rammus careening at you in death bringing haste, put a ward in front of his line of path and he will hit the ward and not you, thus allowing you to escape. Then there's the situation with Katarina where she can put a ward over the wall and Shunpo on the ward, avoiding any crowd control effects and surviving certain death. Next imagine that you're chasing Akali, she's getting close to the safety of her tower and you cannot get her because of her Twilight Shroud. Put down a Vision Ward and you will see anywhere she goes and be able to kill her before she runs to safety. Other uses of wards are stopping skill shots like Blitzcrank's grab, Ezrael's skillshots, Mundo's Cleaver, or other annoying and powerful skillshots. Are you Heimerdiner or Shaco about to get grabbed by blitz? The same trick works with their stationary abilities. One of the best uses of wards are to grab aggro for a second of Heimerdinger's turrets and Shaco's Jack in the Boxes.
Now, if you like being in a team with a lot of global control, these wards will help you see enemies and possibly all teleport to a single ward and pounce on a careless jungler. Then these wards will help you stop enemy ganks and perform team fights that the enemy team is not willing to commit to. As you can see, these items may be out of the way, but they are cheap and inexpensive and will provide excellent cover and escaping mechanisms.

Wards will help you see the world, but they can also save your life and provide your allies with support. These cheap items can determine whether you live or die. Use these wisely and they might just lead you to victory.

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