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Efficient Jungling

By Andybear - 31st May 2010 - 02:38 AM

There are many Champions that can Jungle, foremost among them is Warwick, but other champions that are great junglers, even if less effective as Warwick, are Udyr, Amumu, Master Yi, and Fiddlesticks.


Warwick can jungle well regardless of mastery and rune setup, but other Champions need to set up their pregame in preparation for jungling. First of all, you need smite, secondly, your masteries need to be mostly in the defensive tree. Defensive Mastery, Harden Skin, and Ardor all grant exception bonus's in the Jungle.

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Making your tree in a 1/19/10 gives you the Smite bonus, and the Utility Mastery as well as Awareness are crucial to stay even with the rest of the players in experience. Runes are up to personal taste, but for champs that are not Warwick, armor Seals, OR Health Quintessences are required to maintain enough health to continue Jungling.

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There are two viable starting items when you jungle. The first is to buy Cloth Armor and five Health potions. Armor will significantly reduce damage dealt to you by creeps, and the health potions give you staying power via regen. The second start is good on champions that won't build any item from Cloth Armor, and it is to buy a Potion of Fortitude and five health Potions. It gives you enough health and extra damage that you have as much staying power as Cloth Armor. If you intend on building an item from Cloth Armor, always get it over Fortitude.

Creep Progression

Warwick is able to stay in the jungle regardless of what creep he starts with, however other Junglers are more reliant on their abilities to stay at it, and thus you have to start at the Ancient Golem. BEWARE Never go straight at the Golem, delay moving from brush until all enemy champions appear on the mini map, aware enemies will often gank the Ancient Golem if someone has smite, and you need to be prepared.

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Second Creep to kill needs to be either Rabid Wolves, or the Wraiths. If the spawn nearest to the Ancient Golem spawns as lesser golems, move on to the enemy Wraith Pit. While you can kill the spawn, you will be at too low health to continue elsewhere. If it was Wolves, then kill it and move on to the enemy Wraith Pit, then move on to your own From there. Once done with the second batch of Wraiths, if you have more than three fourths of your health, kill your Elder Lizard, then recall, and gank.

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