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Landing the Cho` Gath Skill Shots

By ClintLeetwood - 19th July 2010 - 01:29 AM

Cho’Gath is a character that has long cool downs, his “Rupture” skill has a ten second cool down, his “Feral Scream” skill has a sixteen second cool down, and his ultimate, “Feast,” has a sixty second cool down, the only skill which does not have a cool down, “Vorpal Spikes,” can be toggled on and off. Understanding how to properly lead, and make most of Cho’Gath’s skills are crucial.

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The range of Vorpal Spikes

Firstly, it is necessary to explain importance of aiming your Vorpal Spikes, often times the ability is only picked as a farming tool. The skill also doubles as a wonderful harassment tool. As the ability sends a ranged wave of spikes dealing magic damage directly in front of you, it can be used to hit targets from range. The spikes deal damage to all units it passes through, in an essence flux style attack. This enables to particularly punish enemy melee heroes as your effective range is equivalent to ranged champion. The trick is simply to stand at the correct angle, attacking the appropriate minion to send your spikes into the face of your enemies. A general rule of thumb for the range of Vorpal Spikes is that anyone in between the caster creeps and the melee creeps, can be hit with Vorpal Spikes, use this knowledge to damage your opponents.

With rupture, there is a knock-up, mini-stun, and a continued slow that lasts for three seconds after the initial affect. Even in the early game, a well-placed rupture can allow a Cho'Gath to close a gap for a Feral Scream-Feast combo, or, if you're below level 6, you can still follow up with a Feral Scream and a few auto attacks inflicting quite a bit of pain early on. However, leading with Rupture isn’t always straight forward, it’s tricky. Rupture has about a full second cast time, there’s about a half second channel to it, which does mean Rupture can be interrupted, and, there’s also another half second till the Rupture AoE occurs. Keep that in mind when you’re chasing heroes with speed buffs, and remember to give Rupture a bit of an extra lead due to the casting times. Now, a true art, is hitting tower huggers, but there exists a trick that will maximize your likelihood of hitting. When aiming Rupture try to keep as much as of the circle out of the tower, because this can be considered wasted space. Likewise, recognize which side of the tower they are next to and look at their most probable escape routes, since rupture can be casted outside of Tower range, this is great for getting that last hit on that low health hero, or interrupting that hero that is Blue Pilling back to base. Remember to always communicate with your lane mate, have him focus the squishy that is knocked up by Rupture. Hitting that squishy once or twice with this type of combo can cause some serious damage, and even get you that early first blood with the continued slow for three seconds afterwords.

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Learning how to recognize escape paths are a great way on how you should aim your Rupture skill shot. It is wise to target the largest area of affect when the target's pathing isn't perceivable.

Read the Advanced Guide on Cho` Gath.
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