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Bait and Hook

By SeaKnightofEa - 27th June 2010 - 17:31 PM

Bait and Hook is exactly like fishing. It's the process of sending an allied champion with excellent escaping capabilities to lure in an enemy champion for a gank Now, there are many ways to catch an enemy's attention, and there are many ways to bait, but your ultimate goal is separating the target champion from his team.

How to bait

First should have low maximum health, or you should be weakened by a previous encounter. Gear yourself with a lot of armor, resistance, and movement speed, but not much health. Therefore, when the opposing champion sees you, he'll chase you believing that he can kill you and escape. Don't be afraid to communicate with your teammates, it's crucial; have them cover all the possible exits so your target doesn't escape.

Who to Bait With

Champions such as Nasus, Soraka, and Kassadin are great examples of champions that work well for this tactic. They can feign a sense of weakness, but they also have either a high amount of survivability or specific abilities that provide them with a great mechanism for making a quick escape. There are other champions such as Heimerdinger and Teemo that can bait enemies and kill them without any outside assistance. Heimerdinger can lure an enemy into a bush filled with turrets, and Teemo can do the exact same thing with his Noxious Traps.

Items that Help

Boots are a necessity, but some work better than others. The three best boots would have to be Mercury Treads, Boots of Mobility, and Ninja Tabi. They either provide a great amount of survivability or the ability to effectively escape from any enemy champions. Items such as Force of Nature, Lich Bane, Phantom Dancer, Zeal, etc. that provide additional movement speed, health regen, or dodge chance greatly increase your survivability. Also, for DPS champions, lifesteal is an extremely effective way to survive for extended periods of time while under duress.

Summoner Abilites

Abilities such as Heal and Cleanse that help keep you alive are great for boosting the efficiency of this tactic. There are also Summoner Spells such as Exhaust and Ignite that hinder your traget in some way, thus increasing the likeliness of his death. Finally, there are spells such as Flash and Ghost that allow for your escape if your target's onslaught begins to overwhelm you.

Who You Shouldn't Bait

There are some champions such as Kayle, Blitzcrank, Ezreal, and Zilean that you ought not to try this trick on since they can often escape or kill you in the process. Killing them isn't impossible, but you'll need spells such as Cleanse, Flash, and Ghost to successfully chase them down.

Where the Hook Should Hide

When covering all the possible escape routes, the "hooks" should be well hidden so the target remains ignorant of the impending gank. Champions with the most useful Crowd Control abilities should hide at the most obvious exits.

This tactic can reduce enemy teams that need each other. Just play smart and know where to go and how to go there so that the enemy will be frustrated and faceplanting their keyboard.

IPB ImageLeading the Kennen into the bush with Heal and a red potion available...

IPB ImageThe Heal and potion provide enough survivability for Teemo to outlive Kennen's assault...

IPB ImageFinally, Veigar arrives to save the day and finish off Kennen at last!

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