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Thrones of Brittania: A Total War Saga

By FallenXE - 17th November 2017 - 19:06 PM

It appears that the first entry in Creative Assembly's Total War Saga spinoff series has been announced and is titled Total War Saga: Thrones of Brittania.

As mentioned earlier back in July, the spinoff games will be different from the usual historical releases in that they will focus on a particular moment in history coupled with a certain geographical location instead of the usual era and continent spanning releases. One particular benchmark that they say gamers can use to imagine how the Saga games are going to be like is Shogun II's Fall of the Samurai expansion.

As to the specfic moment that will be covered in Thrones of Brittania, Creative had this to say:

The game will be based around a rich new setting (the British Isles of 878AD, just after invasion by The Great Heathen Army) with ten new playable factions, new mechanics and a new, highly-detailed map. Some elements will be brought across from Total War: ATTILA since they still fit the time period but Thrones of Britannia will have its own unique look and feel. Again, in terms of scale, Fall of the Samurai is a useful yardstick.

The game will be using a modified version of the engine that is running Attila. There is no news on the tentative price or release date other than a vague "2018" but Creative did mention that the Spring of 2018 is a likely timing for gameplay images or videos to be released.

In the meantime, do check out the game's Steam page and do tell us your thoughts and comments below!

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