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BfME Community summit over

By Darky - 6th August 2005 - 21:20 PM

The EA community summit has now finished. We will make a full report on everything which was discussed. Please be patient until then smile.gif.

Just to wet your appetite, I spoke to a lot of the senior managers at EA LA and I can say without doubt that they REALLY do care about the gamers now - there is a new head of studio there called Neil Young (an Englishman - something which surprised me as we were in LA!) who has dramatically changed a lot of vital things. Most importantly, the staff at EA now seem really motivated and massively enthusiatic (something which was lacking a year ago). The support for EA RTS games will improve dramatically, what you have seen for BfME is only the start (and this support is by NO MEANS anywhere near perfect - yet...). More details will follow in due course, but I truely believe that EA have turned a corner and can now start to claw back the respect of the RTS community - a difficult and time consuming task, but a task which I believe wholeheartedly that they will achieve.

I've been one of the EAs largest critics and I don't say these words lightly, I really do believe the future is bright smile.gif.