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GameReplays.Org is Recruiting Writers!

By FallenXE - 7th November 2017 - 16:10 PM

Have you ever had the urge to give your thoughts on gaming developments? Perhaps you have a flair for language and want to express yourself to our community? Maybe you would like to build your name as a bona fide games or tech reviewer?

Well then, you are in luck because GameReplays.Org is currently on the lookout for passionate and creative individuals to join the ranks of our Site and Portal Writing Team!

Why Be A Writer?

You will get the opportunity to use your writing talent by contributing to the development of GameReplays.Org. In addition to that, you will also be given access to the Staff forums of the site and get exclusive first looks at the hottest news, videos, shoutcasts, strategies and tactics before the rest of the GameReplays.org community and offer your own input into new ideas and articles for the entire site.

Most importantly, your special skill-set will allow the Strategy Specialists, Commentators, Replay Reviewers and even the Admins to focus on the substance while you provide the style.

To go with that, you will also get the Green Badge for Writers!

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How Do You Apply?

To apply for the Writer's position you do not need to have an extensive knowledge of the English language nor does English have to be your first language, as some of our best Writers and Editors speak English as a second or even third language!

You must, however, be able to commit to an average activity level of one to three news stories, articles, interviews, or features per week. The average news story takes about 10-20 minutes to complete.

If you are interested in being a Writer, please complete the following requirements:
  • Write 1 news story on any PC Gaming-related topic.

  • The news story should be between 150-400 words.

  • It must be factual news from a creditable and reliable source.

  • These must be original content. Please do not copy and paste news from another website. We are looking for honest amateur journalists, not plagiarists.

  • It must contain at least one link to the source of the news or to a related topic.

  • For examples of news story formatting and for ideas, visit any news section within GameReplays.org or the news page.
To submit your application, send a PM containing your application and the news story to CPHQ Editor, FallenXE , with the title:

"USERNAME Site OR Portal Writer Application"

Feel free to discuss below regarding this recruitment drive but please do not post your applications in the comment sections as they will not be accepted.

We look forward to having you on board with us!