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Red Alert 3 Strategy Guides

By Croutonman - 19th June 2009 - 00:08 AM

MoiGex's Tesla Trooper Strategy Guide
Red Alert 3 Community Member and September's #3 Ladder Wars player MoiGex has graciously decided to share some of his knowledge about his native Soviet faction...
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Advanced All-In Strategy Guide
Many Red Alert 3 players have their own style and build orders that accompany them. Some players play conservatively with tried-and-true methods, but there are also the few...
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Orbital Drop Strategy Guide
A very important key to the Soviets game strategy are the secret protocols, and one very popular protocol for Soviet players is the Orbital Drop. This falling satellite of death...
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Allied Cheese Build Order Strategy Guide
The Allies are a very powerful faction, not simply because of one single part like a dominant air force or a jack-of-all trades base defense, but because they...
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Build Order Guide - Part 3 Empire
Welcome to Part 3 of our Build Order Guide: The Empire! This guide will walk you through some of the more common build orders used by many of today’s more...
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Maniek's Cryocopter Strategy Guide
GameReplays member Maniek, the "Cryo Master" himself, and Strategy Specialist Jackel have taken the time to write up a guide on how to effectively use Cryocopters.
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Build Order Guide Part 2 - Allies
Welcome to Part 2 of our Build Order Guide: The Allies! This guide will walk you through some of the more common build orders used by many of today’s more...
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Build Order Guide Part 1 - Soviets
Welcome to Part 1 of our Build Order Guide: The Soviets! This guide will walk you through some of the more common build orders used by many of today’s more...
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RA3 Macromanagement Strategy Guide
This guide explains the overall importance of good macromanagement skills and the importance of having a good plan in place when going into battle.
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Allied Commando Counters Strategy Guide
This guide shows how to effectively kill all three factions commandos while playing as the Allies by exploiting each of Tanya's, Natasha's and Yuriko's weaknesses.
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Empire Mirror Strategy Guide
This guide explains the basic strategies and build orders for Empire Mirror match-ups as well as how to deal with Honorably Discharged Tengus, Oil Derricks and when to tech up as Empire.
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D1g1TaL’s 2v2 Allies Map Guide
This 2v2 Map Guide is a supplemental piece that contributes to the 2v2 Allies Strategy Guide by giving more in depth information on how the players should work together on each map.
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D1g1TaL’s 2v2 Allies Strategy Guide
This guide features 2v2 tactics and strategies which are useful when one player is the Allies, and features some general 2v2 advice as well as build orders and startegies for playing with teammates from all three factions.
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Soviet Hammer Push Strategy Guide
This guide is intended for all Soviet players that are having trouble beating Allied and Empire players, after the release of patch 1.11. It will describe a strategy which is very effective in low and high level of play.
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