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Supreme Commander 2


#1TheWord  Sep 19 2010, 15:59 PM -
Replays: 49 Game:
Cybran vs UEF, look at how cybran is able to die in all various ways to UEF OP ness.
#2StriFe  Sep 19 2010, 16:59 PM -
Replays: 18 Game:
Word you did well and could have won, but you messed up @ 14 minute mark, you could have just sniped his acu or killed his whole base. you decided to just halt your army/attack. that was when you lost the game buddy
#3Cygnus A  Sep 19 2010, 17:25 PM -
Replays: 40 Game:
He couldn't run in. I still had a decent army supported by at least 1 battleship (probably 2 at that point). This means that he'll kill a few buildings, but lose all of his land force.
#4TheWord  Sep 19 2010, 20:29 PM -
Replays: 49 Game:
Word you did well and could have won, but you messed up @ 14 minute mark, you could have just sniped his acu or killed his whole base. you decided to just halt your army/attack. that was when you lost the game buddy

Cybrans have a massive sonar range so I could see he had ships, and knowing cygnus I knew they probably were battleships.
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