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Supreme Commander 2

[DLC] Funk vs. Cat

#1Deavron  Oct 8 2010, 04:07 AM -
Replays: 65 Game:
3 v 3 on Isles. both cat and his mate went land, we had one land, one navy, and one air.
So I did my usual and made my gunships, by the time I get the first one out Cat was on his way to destruction. Apparently those PDs weren't as cool as they should have been.

From there we just rolled them over.
#2UncertainCat  Oct 8 2010, 06:46 AM -
Replays: 46 Game:
Haha, no fair, I could totally beat FunkOff in a 1v1. Although he did the smart thing with 3 facs instead of going for expansions that get picked off by navy.
This post has been edited by UncertainCat: Oct 8 2010, 06:55 AM
#3Harrier_  Oct 8 2010, 13:42 PM -
Replays: 4 Game:
Haha, no fair, I could totally beat FunkOff in a 1v1.

It seems UncertainCat just challenged FunkOff... will FunkOff accept?
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