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Supreme Commander 2

[DLC] I think darkenoids deserve another look

#1FunkOff  Nov 13 2010, 19:29 PM -
Replays: 47 Game:
I haven't tested them against UEF Cruisers, but they seem to be rather good now. Not terribly great damage and they are blind as a bat, but the speed.... wow.
#2SuicideRabbit  Nov 13 2010, 21:52 PM -
Replays: 9
Darkenoids never needed another look. They serve a purpose, like every other unit. The reason, alot of people do not like them, is they do not know how to use them. Like the noobs that send them agains't 50 fighters with know air support. The Darkenoids is one of the hardest air units to kill with just land to air defense/units.
#3commiebob  Nov 13 2010, 21:54 PM -
Replays: 7 Game:
you're my hero
#4Stealth_hunter  Nov 13 2010, 23:13 PM -
Replays: 57 Game:
well, the darkenoid is fast, which is a good point, hard to kill no g ships can kill it, and kinda tough, i think this unit should be used more
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