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Supreme Commander 2

[DLC] Surprisingly GG

#1splattedone  Jul 11 2011, 16:55 PM -
Replays: 52 Game:
I was testing a build for the upcoming tourny, but I messed it up a bit (I forgot to get shotjas before range), so I thought for sure I would lose. SO many times I almost did just that, and SO many times I thought I had my opponent. Really good game with a lot of back and forth.

I'll explain the theory behind the build if anyone wants to hear it, it actually should work a lot better than it did if I executed it properly.

As a side note, I think I'm just gonna play Cybran for the tournament since Word's not around to be the sole Cybran player anymore tongue.gif. I'll probably lose in the first round, but I do that anyways ^^.
#2CHRING  Jul 14 2011, 20:39 PM -
Replays: 14 Game:
WOW, indeed a really good game! Very nice comeback of you splatted.

Spoiler Too bad upgrading the commander makes the difference.. In my opinion they should have made the commander much weaker, to force other strategies then comm-upgrading. I'm not saying you were comm-rushing or anything; you just used your comm wisely to get rid of that large group of tanks.. it's just too bad that option exists imo wink.gif

edit: wubbed.

By the way: What's the theory behind the build? An easier way to defend extra mexxes?
This post has been edited by CHRING: Jul 14 2011, 20:50 PM
#3splattedone  Jul 14 2011, 21:48 PM -
Replays: 52 Game:

By the way: What's the theory behind the build? An easier way to defend extra mexxes?

Basically. Shotjas are really strong on this map (or any map with open terrain). The way to defeat them relies on using the hill in the center of the map to your advantage to block their shots, rendering them effectively useless. This build SHOULD make it so the Aeon player has no need to engage through the center and can instead attack around the side without leaving himself to open to an attack. The closer-together mexes make the shotjas low speed not such a hindrance in defence. It basically allows the Aeon player to get a solid econ going without much threat of being pressured, then allows them to move in to attack at their leisure.

My mistake was in spending my starting rp on range instead of shotjas. This made early defence a lot more difficult than it should have been. I also bungled a bit with my economy, but it wasn't that bad.
#4NuclearPizza  Jul 15 2011, 10:21 AM -
Replays: 60 Game:
Hmmmmm, wonder where you got that build from... ^^
#5splattedone  Jul 15 2011, 11:07 AM -
Replays: 52 Game:
Hmmmmm, wonder where you got that build from... ^^

I'll admit you inspired it. But I came up with all the theory as to why it's good tongue.gif.
#6NuclearPizza  Jul 15 2011, 12:33 PM -
Replays: 60 Game:
I had that theory in mind too of course smile.gif
#7splattedone  Jul 15 2011, 12:33 PM -
Replays: 52 Game:
I had that theory in mind too of course smile.gif

Great minds think alike tongue.gif.
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