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Supreme Commander 2

[DLC] hardcore 4v4

#1nothing exists  Jan 9 2012, 00:55 AM -
Replays: 79 Game:
all that exists belongs to the void.
#2redarrow7216  Jan 9 2012, 12:50 PM -
Replays: 30 Game:
pretty good game smile.gif

Much tension for all the players to deal with. tongue.gif
#3HoT Ho11oW PoiNT  Jan 9 2012, 22:27 PM -
Replays: 30 Game:
Fun game to watch because of the teamwork of the west side team. Having one guy dedicated to sheilds made all the difference in setting up a firebase. Good co-ordination guys. Apex and Polar also played very well together.

If Repper and shash had been able to co-ordinate their air better to take air superiority, Repper could have then made use of his bombers to harass base economies or at least force wasted mass on AA instead of wasting the bombers on the sheilded firebase.
#4iamtheslaw  Jan 9 2012, 22:44 PM -
Replays: 36 Game:
Fun game to watch because of the teamwork of the west side team. Having one guy dedicated to sheilds made all the difference in setting up a firebase. Good co-ordination guys. Apex and Polar also played very well together.

If Repper and shash had been able to co-ordinate their air better to take air superiority, Repper could have then made use of his bombers to harass base economies or at least force wasted mass on AA instead of wasting the bombers on the sheilded firebase.

Also if shash had made mml they would have done much damage.

Nice to see a rush like that though.. if only all 4v4 were as quality as this
This post has been edited by iamtheslaw: Jan 9 2012, 22:45 PM
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