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Supreme Commander 2

[DLC] FunkOff CEVO Tourny 8

#11Nephylim  Nov 1 2010, 20:51 PM -
Replays: 85 Game:
ACU econ + flares was constantly used in ranked before it was nerfed. Including by me. Nice to see its still viable.
#12FunkOff  Nov 1 2010, 20:59 PM -
Replays: 47 Game:
I honestly don't think flares really make FBs OP. The combination of multiple health and damage upgrades and the cost reduction really contribute more. Flares are just icing on the cake because they make ground AA useless.

#13Nephylim  Nov 1 2010, 22:46 PM -
Replays: 85 Game:
Yeah well they combine very well with health and shields, true. Flares decrease your DPS by xx%. Then shields add health that regens quickly. Then the basic hull is also stronger. So you get less damage and can take more, and if your plane isnt shot down fast it also regains the shield quickly.... I wonder if the gemini would be OP with flares..
#14gvblake22  Nov 5 2010, 04:31 AM -
Replays: 2 Game:
That was very creative and beautifully executed. WUBBED!
#15PINK  Nov 8 2010, 23:01 PM -
Replays: 4 Game:
Correction: Pink *told* me he didn't upgrade his ACU. (How does one access that log, precisely?)

I don't really consider the mass upgrade an 'acu' upgrade despite it being on the acu tree. It doesn't increase his capabilities any, I just wanted the eco.
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