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Bad Company 2: $100 Squad Rush Tournament #2

By William Judd - 26th June 2010 - 17:16 PM

The Bad Company 2 section of Gamereplays.org is proud to present our second tournament. We are offering anybody who has an account here at Gamereplays.org, old or new, to get a squad together to join our 4v4 Squad Rush tournament and try to win the $100 prize.

The tournament will proceed on Saturday the 10th of July, and registrations will close on Thursday the 8th. If you wish to register for our tournament it should be done so by following onto the Registration Thread which will include a break down of the rules and regulations that need to be followed in order to compete in our tournaments.

There will be tournament moderators available and a nominated member of the team will record each game on WeGame. You will have to upload the game to back up your win and screenshots to back it up are excellent as well. We also plan on using the videos to make a montage for anybody who didn't participate to get a taste for our next tournament.

Now gather your squad and visit the Registration Thread; get in while the spots last! We predict 16 teams but if we have an overwhelming amount of applications we will most likely extend our numbers to 32 teams.