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Basic Team Gondor Guide

By Guardian - 3rd August 2007 - 19:05 PM

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This guide is intended to give the average player a general outline of Gondor's variety of tactics and build orders for each combination. As in all team games, your build order can change drastically at any moment depending on the matchup. For instance, sometimes you will have a lot of cash at some point and might want to recruit Boromir to creep a warg lair quickly and get rank 4. Sometimes this is better than simply going straight to combos, and other times he just isn't going to be useful against a certain matchup. But in the end it all depends on the situation and your good decisions. Only experience and teamwork can give you the judgment needed to adapt to these situations, but the guide should be an excellent resource for any players new to the concept of team games.

The layout is fairly straightforward, there are four sections under each combo that consist of build orders, early game strategies, power point routes, and replays. Since the build orders have been cut down to a rather basic level, the replays should be a good visual tool for learning the tactics used in early game. More games will be added constantly when they can be found.