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Mordor Unit Guide

By Segway - 27th May 2007 - 15:30 PM

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Mordor Unit Guide


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Bought from- Lumber Mill
Cost- 20
Build Time- 1 second
Units in battalion- 1
Health- 30
Damage- 5
Attack duration- 1.26 seconds
Command points - 1

The main reason for this unit is to collect resources from trees. Extra laborers can be bought at the lumber mills. It is usually best to have eight at each mill. They also come equipped with axes that give them the ability to attack. If they're chasing a hobbit around a mill they can often stop them from cloaking. If you're playing on the Fords of Isen it is best to place 1 laborer on each entrance to your side of the map. This way you know which way he's coming and you can counter him.


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Bought from - Orc Pit
Cost - 0
Build time- 30 seconds
Units in battilion - 10
Health- 50
Damage- 10
Attack duration- 1.83 seconds
Command points - 20

Orcs are the main forces of Mordor. Because they cost 0 they can easily be bought with no problem. But because they're so cheap this means that their defense and attack is weak. Mordor needs to get these units in early game to harass and defend untill it can get your trolls out. These are best moved around in groups of two because it takes too long to take down a farm with only one. You will need at least 4 battalions of Orcs to take down a warg lair. They also have bloodthirsty so they can rank up from each other.

Orc Archers

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Bought from - Orc Pit
Cost - 300
Build time- 30 seconds
Units in battilion - 10
Health- 60
Damage- 8
Attack duration- 2.5 seconds
Command points - 30

These units are mainly used for Mordor mirrors because archers with fire are strong against any Mordor unit. They are usually combined with Orcs because combos get 25% extra damage. The upgrades for this unit can be bought from a rank 2 orc pit. The essential upgrade is fire, but banner is important in Mordor mirrors so they don't get frightened by a Nazgul's screech. With a Drummer troll these become a fierce enemy to your opponent.


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Bought from - Troll Cage
Cost - 1200
Build time- 45 seconds
Units in battilion - 1
Health- 2000
Damage- 200, 120, 300
Attack duration- 1.5 seconds
Command points - 10

This is the most important unit against Forces of Light armies. Trolls are very strong against knights, heroes, and structures. A good way to kill heroes is by using trees + eye. To kill Gandalf the White pick up some stones and when you see a spell, cast eye on your trolls with a drummer nearby and throw the stones. If you have a troll on low health then eat an orc and your health will be replenished.

Drummer Troll

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Bought from - Rank 2 Troll Cage
Cost- 1300
Build time- 53 seconds
Units in Battilion- 1
Health- 2000
Damage- 120
Attack Duration- 2 seconds
Command points- 10

Drummer trolls provide fast, effective leadership. When any unit of Mordor is near the drummer it will gain an effective boost to its power. They can also attack and sometimes it's good when fighting Aragorn to hit him with the drummer because there is a 50% chance he will be knocked over. This unit is a key to winning most 2v2 games as well because it gives your allies a leadership boost.


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Bought from- Haradrim Palace
Cost– 240
Build time- 30 seconds
Units in battilion- 5
Health- 60
Damage- 60 (Lancer), 40 (Back of a Mumakill)
Attack Duration- 2.6 seconds
Command points- 10

These units are rarely used because they are weak to close and ranged combat. Their only uses are early game and creeping. To use these effectively put them in the top of Mumakills or on top of Mordor outposts. When that is done they become archers and are strong against units without armor. They also act like pikes if knights run into them. The knights will take heavy damage but the Haradrim will die in one hit.

Soldiers of Rhun

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Bought from- Rank 2 Haradrim Palace
Cost- 400
Build time- 45 seconds
Units in battilion- 5
Health- 160
Damage- 40
Attack Duration- 2.15 seconds
Command points- 15

These are the pikes of Mordor. They also have a great resistance to fire. Like Haradrim, these are used rarely because their only use is to defend against knights. Also to be able to buy these it is necessary to buy 4 Haradrim to level up the Haradrim Palace.


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Bought from- Mumakill Pen
Cost- 2000
Build time- 60 seconds
Units in battilion- 1
Health- 4000
Damage- 600
Attack duration- Not established
Command points- 30

Mumakills are Mordor's unit to best end a game quickly. When the Mumakill Pen gets to rank 3 it will spawn rank 2 Mumakills automatically. This means their armor will be much more resistant to arrows and trampling. These are mainly seen as wall destroyers and hero crushers because one Mumakill using charge with eye can take out most heroes. You can also put ranged units inside of Mumakills. When fighting Gondor and he has Gandalf the White, put Orcs inside so his lightning sword will attack the Orcs instead of the Mumakill.

Battering Ram

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Bought from- Siege Works
Cost- 400
Build time- 30 seconds
Units in battilion- 1
Health- 480
Damage- 600
Attack Duration- 4.6 seconds
Command points - 5

This unit of Mordor is mainly used on Forces of Light walls or gates. They can also be used against the odd Forces of Darkness because one hit destroys a tower, which is what people used to do in early 1.02 Mordor mirrors.

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Bought from- Siege Works
Cost- 800
Build time- 40 seconds
Units in battilion- 1
Health- 300
Damage- 200
Attack duration- 6.8 seconds
Command points- 5

When catapults are combined with mass leadership they can do very powerful damage to structures and units. They are the strongest against Rohan combos because they are bunched up together. To use catapults effectively don't click to attack, instead use bombard and place it in the center of his combos. This way you can take out the whole of his battilion. They have also got an attack move called release the prisoners. This throws skulls at the enemy and scares away rank 1 units.

Siege Tower

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Bought from - Siege Works
Cost - 1000
Build time: 45
Units in battilion - 1
Health: 2000
Damage- N/A
Attack Duration- N/A
Command points - 5

This unit is designed for transporting Orcs up and onto the walls of Rohan or Gondor, but as because Orcs are useless in middle or late game these aren't used much. One trick that to use is when fighting a big battle to position these at the sides of your enemy. Once he comes and starts the combat with you, drive these in from both sides and he is either forced to waste time attacking them, get crushed, or run back.


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Bought from- Citadel
Cost- 150
Build Time-
Units in battilion- 1
Health- 200
Damage- 10
Attack Duration-
Command points- 0

Gollum plays an important role in early game for Mordor. It is good to get him to attack units that are traveling on there way to attack your mills. This way you can build up more time untill more Orcs are out of your pit. He also has stealth when he's a slight distance away from your enemy. He can be used to lure wargs away for an easy creep. A really good way to utilize him is to dance round an enemy's farm so it takes a long time for him to kill you before he can buy it. It takes 2 hits for him to kill a laborer so you can take out enemy's mill pretty fast with him. Also click guard over an enemy build spot and when he tries to build Gollum will automatically destroy the building when its on 0% health.


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Bought from- Citadel
Cost- 5000
Build time- 60
Units in battilion- 1
Damage- 200
Attack Duration- N/A
Command points- 0

When players aim to buy a Nazgul it is mainly to maintain or take map control. This puts a halt to Rohan or Gondor knights coming out because they will just die otherwise. The only problem is that Nazguls are weak to fire and ranged attacks. If there are a bunch of combos with fire don't feel scared to go in and attack them if they're rank 1 because scream will make them scatter. When in a Mordor mirror and you're on red health and being chased by another Nazgul, click to attack and then they move faster which means the Nazgul behind wont be able to damage you.

Witch King

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Bought from- Citadel
Cost- 8000
Build time- 60
Units in battilion- 1
Damage- 200
Attack Duration- N/A
Command points- 0

The Witch King is the stronger against normal Nazguls and is slightly darker in color. Just like other Nazguls it has scream which can scatter rank 1 units but the Witch King also gives leadership. So when you combine eye + drummer + darkness + witch king, Mordor can become a VERY powerful army. As it is so expensive it takes a lot of time to get it so once you do try not to lose it because it can help a lot. Its range for leadership is very big as well, so keep your witch king behind your army to stop enemy arrows attacking you.