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Command & Conquer 4: The Basics

By x ScoPeZz - 22nd March 2010 - 17:23 PM

There are other methods on accumulate victory points faster by capturing Tiberium Crystals which each green Tiberium crystal yields 10 points and blue Tiberium crystal yields 20 points. You can also accumulate victory points by killing enemy units or crawlers while trying to keep your units and crawler alive as long as you possibly could, the more advanced units you kill the more victory points it yields.

Now that you have selected your class and have entered the field. Now it is time to decide between your team or yourself who is your best team mate to work with, and what TCN Capture Point you will be attacking, defending, or general supporting. If you are a slow learner then you are advised to keep your Crawler away from dangerous combat zones but try to make a effort to secure a TCN Node or help out on gathering tiberium where most of your other comrades are going for.

In the event that you want to get straight into the fight, take your Crawler straight to the enemy Crawlers and tear anyone apart who stands in your way, if you choose to do that then you better hope you have a talent at figuring out which units counter each different situation, or you will find yourself dead within the first few minutes. That option is only for the hardcore, and you can learn faster by doing so, just make sure you have a teammate close that can support when you need a hand. As long as you are always communicating with your other teammates, and have at least chosen the correct teammate to work with you should be doing just fine. Great communication is the key to success.

Command Points

Like in any game, Command Points determine how many units you can get out on the battlefield. Each units cost command points, and the number of command points a unit costs also represents the number of victory points that unit will cost your team if it is destroyed. You can remove units that are no longer of use to you by pressing the delete button with them selected, units will pause and a blue meter will appear moving down until the unit has been removed, also works with Crawler in case you need to switch class.


Upgrades will provide your units and Crawler with unit abilities as well passive abilities to your units, and will allow you to progress through tiers when you are a high enough level. One upgrade point is enough for every upgrade except the tier upgrades which the Tier 2 upgrades will cost you 5 upgrade points and Tier 3 upgrade will cost you 9 points. As stated above, collecting Tiberum gives you upgrade points (Green Tiberium yields 1 upgrade point and Blue tiberium yields 2 upgrade points) so be sure to collect it as often as you can if you want to gain any advantage over your opponents.


Structures are for the Defense class only. They deploy defense structures that are capable of holding the ground against enemy units. Structures can only be built in around your own deployed Crawler, your ally's deployed Crawler, and an outpost building radius (which can be constructed by a GDI dozer or a Nod slave), and need power to keep them working. If your Crawler is destroyed the structures will be offline until you get back into the fight.

Tech Structures are available for anyone to capture, they are structures like Artillery Turrets, Build and Deploy Radius extensions, and buildings which provide free unit upgrade boxes. These are all captured the same way as TCN Capture Points.

Support Powers

The Support class has the option to use various amounts of powers on the field that no other class can have, these range from advanced sight, debuffs, and deploying mines on the field. As you climb on the tiers you will be able to unlock bigger and better support powers you have under your command.

That is it, now you are ready to go ahead and play your first game. The rest of the game will come to you naturally after one or two games, but if you still find yourself in need of help check back soon to see our next advance guides. Good luck and see you on the battlefield Commander!

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