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Javdani's Armaplay - Armadon Video Guide

By Javdani - 14th May 2010 - 19:46 PM

First of all let's cover what the purpose of this video is. It's meant to do a number of things as you can also read in the disclaimer in the beginning of it. It's meant to show how I play Armadon, it's meant to give some general tips and guidelines for how to play Armadon and of course entertain. I didn't want to nuke the video with more walls of text than it already has, so think of what's below the video as some extra comments and notes.

There are two primary lessons covered in the video and one will be explained in more detail here.

Lesson #1: Last Hits

Armadon is in a very unique position because of his Spine Burst. As it is also mention in the video it can rival ranged attacks with its damage and it's very reliable. Not only because of the recently buffed projectile speed, but also because unlike every single ranged hero in the game, this one doesn't really have to deal with the concept of attack animation. Spine Burst pops out instantly when you press use the ability and that's one of the things that helps so much when it comes to last-hitting creeps.

Another important aspect of it is the range. The 650 ranged allows you to out-range all other heroes when it comes to attack range. If you're in melee ranged with the creep waves it also allows you to almost always hit enemy heroes, even if you're only trying to last-hit creeps, which applies pressure to the lane. Armadon also has a high base damage which when combined with Spine Burst can give him very high last-hit potential. If used correctly you can get a very high amount of burst damage allowing you to last-hit creeps with higher amounts of hit points.

At level 1, you can get 52-62 + 20 = 72-82 damage in an attack by combining an auto-attack with a Spine Burst. By the time you're level 3, this increases to 56-66 + 40 = 96-106 and so on.

Armadillo (his damage reduction passive ability) also helps Armadon to stay in a lane for much longer. By reducing the damage he takes from ranged heroes in particular he can worry less about surviving and more about last-hitting, and it's all about the angles. It's important to learn to turn your back whenever a projectile is coming for you so you can get as much damage reduction as possible. This can, as shown in the opening fight in the video vs. a Soulstealer (best one I've played against), also be used in actual fights to reduce damage significantly.