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Heroes of Newerth

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Heroes of Newerth FAQ

I'm sure you're all bursting with questions about this new, and very mysterious, game. If your question is not answered below feel free to request that it be in our question request topic

Q: What is Heroes of Newerth (HoN)?
A: HoN is a game heavily based off the Warcraft III mod Defense of the Ancients, or DotA.

Q: What's HoN like?
A: Well HoN is like DotA. What's DotA like you ask? Think of DotA as three sets of rivers, the goal of the game is to use superior teamwork and strategy to push as many as, or all of, your "rivers" in to the other team's base.

Q: Does it have singleplayer or a campaign?
A: Nope. You can play with yourself in "sandbox" mode but currently you can not play against AI or through a campaign.

Q: Is it multiplayer online?
A: Of course! The main focus of this game is teamwork and strategy. Currently up to 10 players (5 on each team) can play at one time, but the capacity for more is there!

Q: How long is the average game?
A: Approximately 35 minutes, although I have had a few go as long as 75 minutes, and some as short as 10 or 15 minutes.

Q: Does HoN improve on anything over DotA?
A: This answer would be VERY LONG! In short, yes. They improved a great many things ranging from the game engine (DotA had many limitations), to persistant stat tracking, dedicated servers and even a built-in banlist feature!

Q: Is this game going to be worth buying when I can play DotA for free?
A: Definitely! Currently S2 has predicted the price point to be around 30 USD, more than worth

Q: Isn't this game just a code-for-code copy of DotA?
A: Certainly not! While it is true that there are many heroes exactly, or almost exactly like a DotA counterpart, there are many new ones. For instance, Zephyr, an owl-like hero that creates damaging tornadoes upon successfully killing a unit (and yes, that includes denies!).

Q: How many heroes are there?
A: Currently there are 42, however S2Games has planned to release many more before the game goes to open beta and subsequently retail, and then continue adding heroes even after the release.

Q: Does HoN take any steps to reduce the number of leavers?
A: Yes. HoN has a reconnect feature that allots disconnected players a certain amount of time to reconnect. On top of that, persistent stat tracking records a players leave percentage, and, failing that, you can always make use of the built-in banlist feature.