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Kanes Wrath

Kane's Wrath Ladder Wars Finals Season 1
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Kane's Wrath Match of the Moment #1

By Green_ZERO - 21st January 2011 - 17:39 PM

Welcome to the first installment of our Match of the Moment! In this series, we present one of the commentary videos which continue being produced by our community. Today's match comes fresh from the members section of the replay system, an area where replays are born and discovered. Let's take a closer look at the players!


Small Town USA is today's battleground, an under-appreciated, ranked 1-vs.-1 map set in a Blue Zone. The map is distinctive in its own right, allowing for an abundance of strategies and tactics which few maps can match. CZ_Tauren has an amazing 99% win ratio in terms of ranked matches on Small Town USA, sitting at 79–1, yet his opponent DirTy_DutcH holds a higher overall win ratio at 65% compared to CZ_Tauren's dwindling 53%. Despite what many players state about statistics, there is no denying that they can be used to get a basic insight into a player and to reveal hidden traits within faction selection. Time to pick a winner and dive into this action-packed game — enjoy!

CZ_Tauren draws the powerhouse known as GDI, while his opponent DirTy_DutcH selects the overwhelming Black Hand as the hostilities commence. DirTy_DutcH immediately goes for an upgraded infantry attack as he looks to capitalise on the various garrisonable structures, sending Militant Rockets Squads towards his enemy's base. CZ_Tauren doesn't seem too concerned, though, and decides for an all-in dual War Factory Predator+APC combo, selling his MCV and quickly amassing a large force. A nice Harvester charge dispatches most of DirTy_DutcH's infantry force, and CZ_Tauren pushes hard in the counter attack, bringing his Predator+APC combo within range. A large battle breaks out on the outskirts of DirTy_DutcH's base, as CZ_Tauren's force takes the long way around to avoid the many garrisoned structures in the town center.

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The scenic route! (Click to enlarge.)

DirTy_DutcH holds back two successive attacks but is severely crippled, allowing CZ_Tauren to rebuild his MCV and expand. Both sides then attempt to recover, but the sporadic fighting continues. DirTy_DutcH de-garrisons the center of the map and pours everything he has into a desperate attack on CZ_Tauren's expansion before he can recover too much, yet CZ_Tauren uses strategically placed Watchtowers and another epic Harvester to charge to end the infantry threat and rout the attack.

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Warning - Harvesters may attack if provoked!

Once again CZ_Tauren decides to counter-attack quickly, believing DirTy_DutcH's position to be fragile, and he hits hard with another Predator+APC combo. This time, though, DirTy_DutcH is more prepared and repels the attack in flaming fashion while annihilating CZ_Tauren's main base at the same time. CZ_Tauren manages to hold tight with the help of his Sonic Emitters before pouring all of his resources into a MARV. Unfortunately it has little effect the first time around as CZ_Tauren's lack of support allows DirTy_DutcH to take the advantage in a wasted opportunity. As the late game approaches, both sides invest heavily in their Technology Centers, and the match comes down to careful maneuvering, unit management and strategic decision making in order to determine the winner. Who will it be? Watch and find out!

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GTFO our blue zone!

Player of the day:
CZ_Tauren for his effective Harvester charging tactics!