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News on Modern Warfare 2 DLC

By ~BLaCK~ - 8th March 2010 - 21:39 PM

Over the last week, videos and screenshots have surfaced in relation to new multiplayer maps to be released in a DLC pack for Modern Warfare 2. Like previous scenarios, these have been hastily covered up by Activision, leaving us to pick at the remains and discuss what it's all about.

At the moment there seems to be five maps available, two pulled from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. Overgrown and Crash have been remade, along with the new maps called Complex, Compact and Storm. At this time, neither Infinity Ward nor Activision have denied that the content released in the videos is legitimate, which can be seen as a good thing.

The new maps have very little information on them, except that one seemed to be "rather big". We'll have to wait until more details arise, or focus on heresay and speculate some more.

More on expansion packs, Activision have confirmed that a second expansion pack is scheduled for later this year, meaning this is the first one. They have also confirmed rumours that Treyarch have the go ahead for making an eighth Call Of Duty title, due for release in Fall of 2011. The vibe so far seems to suggest we could be in for a trip to Vietnam.

Stay tuned for more information on how Activision shall make even more money from the Call Of Duty franchise.