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Sneak Preview of Blizzard's New Studio

By Mokon - 29th February 2008 - 14:57 PM

On March 10th/11th, an army of press outlets and some fansites will have the opportunity to tour and explore Blizzard’s massive new campus. Yesterday, however, GameReplays staff had the opportunity to fly out to California to check out the studio ahead of time.

Located in Irvine California, the new campus features four large buildings and will soon be adorned with a massive twenty-foot bronze statue of an Orc Wolf Rider. Unfortunately, we can’t tell you much else just yet, but what we can tell you is to be on the look out for a new batch of screenshots that will show a much grittier looking Starcraft 2. Blizzard has taken the community’s feedback about the art style to heart, and has desaturated some of the brighter colors to give the game a less cartoon-ish look.

So on March 10th, as some of our friends from around the web are walking into Blizzard’s new studio for the first time, come by GameReplays and get your first look at Blizzard as well. In the meantime, below is a picture of the entrance to Blizzard’s new studio just to whet your appetite.

IPB Image