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Twilight Archon and Soul Hunter

By Mokon - 20th July 2007 - 01:58 AM

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In the original Starcraft, two High Templars could be merged to form an Archon. Similarly, two Dark Templars could be merged to form a Dark Archon. As presented on the official Starcraft 2 site today, the new Twilight Archon can be formed by merging two High Templars, two Dark Templars, or one of each. While it seems likely that they have some unannounced special abilities, in the feature on them, they are seen fulfilling a role similar to that of the Archon from the original game. In a short clip, two Twilight Archons annihilate ten Marines as if the marines were not even there. Too bad that Marines didn’t have a Science Vessel there to knock down the Protoss shields.
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In addition, today on the battle.net forums, Cavez, also known as Dustin Browder, the lead designer of Starcraft 2, made this comment regarding units:
Sometimes units will get cut. For example, the Soul Hunter is not going to show at Blizzcon. He appears to have failed his training period. He was kind of cool, but not cool enough. Some other units that you have seen are going through some significant changes. They have adapted and may yet survive. Thats how we do it.
Many members of the community have complained in recent weeks that the Soul Hunter was not "Protossy," and Blizzard has listened to their calls. Considering how much work must have gone into the art assets for the Soul Hunter, one must be impressed with Blizzard's commitment to the community. Be sure to stay with GameReplays.org for out coverage of Blizzcon in early August. We will have a number of folks on the ground there keeping everyone up to day.