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Spotlight with Darknight

By LATINO - 13th October 2021 - 08:29 AM

Today, GameReplays.Org brings to you another edition of our Spotlight interview series with the players of Battle For Middle Earth (BFME). the guest for today's segment is turkey Darknight

1. GameReplays : Hello, Thanks for doing this week's Spotlight. Tell us a little bit about yourself.

Hi, my name is Muhammet and I am from Turkey, Istanbul. I am 20 years old, and I study Liberal Arts at college. Though I am also interested in science and programming.

2. GameReplays : Tell us a bit about your online gaming history?

My uncle used to bring us plenty game cd's. I remember playing Warcraft 3, AoE, AoM and many different types of old games. But I liked the most BFME, unfortunately never had the chance to play these games online.

3. GameReplays : Why did you join GR?

I searched something about BFME in youtube and I saw a tournament casted by OrtaDunya. Then I found out people have been playing this game online for long time. So, I joined GR to test my skills against real players.

4. GameReplays : What is your favorite game?


5. GameReplays : What is your favorite game genre? Why?

RTS, I like controlling big armies and watching them fighting to death!

6. GameReplays : So, how did you first get started with BFME?

It was about 10 years ago, and I almost didn't know anything about internet. I played it offline until i found GR 3-4 years ago.

7. GameReplays : What do you like so much about BfME, that has kept you playing the game for years?

I liked LOTR movies. Playing with same heroes, same units gave me the pleasure. Also, i liked game mechanics (trampling with horses, sieging castles, etc.) and as I was playing more, I was improving as well. The desire to reach better level has kept me playing online.

8. GameReplays : What is your favorite army and Match-up?

In 1v1 Gondor, Gondor vs Isen. In 2v2 Mordor)

9. GameReplays : What is your favorite map, and who is your favorite Team game partner?

FoI, Anorien/Wold2. Alan is definitely my favorite partner to play with. I always feel comfy as he knows all the strats and can direct me pretty well. We win all the time when I get him in QMs, but I can't get him much as draws are rigged). Recently, I liked playing with Felix in tourney because he never complains even if I make a mistake, he just plays his game. We'll get em next time! @Felix

10. GameReplays : What would you do to change or improve game?

I helped to improve the balance by testing Patch 1.09, and I think this patch is the best change so far. other than that, it would be cool if we had much more players and if we could remove the bugs, lags etc.

11. GameReplays : How did it feel to play BfME when you had your "noob" time and what is the difference to your current status as a player?

It was exciting to watch pros' replays and improving myself by imitating them. Still, I ike to get better but it is not easy as it used to be. I have many players ahead of me so i am not done yet.

12. GameReplays : Playing against a Forces of Darkness or Forces of Light opponent?

In 1v1 FoD, in 2v2 FoL

13. GameReplays : Killing a high ranked Gandalf the White, or wiping out an entire castle with a Balrog?

Wiping entire castle!

Wiping out an entire castle

14. GameReplays : Army of the Dead or Balrog?


15. GameReplays : What do you like (or dislike?) most about the BfME community?

I like that I got new friends more than I expected from an old game like this. I don't like toxicness or bullying random players like some guys do but I wouldn't say we should try to remove these guys. I would say just get it over it as it is already a small community, so we don't want to expel someone. Everyone can pick their friends or just ignore/block those people.

16. GameReplays : What games are you active on currently, and how do your experiences there compare to those from BFME?

I play Hearthstone time to time, but I don't really play many games. The only game i am mostly active on is BFME.

17. GameReplays : Do you like 1.09 and do you play it a lot?

Yes, I like it and play it a lot but sometimes my free times don't match up with the others, so I just join any room that I can play.

18. GameReplays : How many hours a day do you spend playing games?

I don't play everyday but when I play it is about 2-3 hours I guess.

19. GameReplays : How has gaming affected your life?

Didn't affect much. I just got new friends from different locations which is good.

20. GameReplays : How high is the influence of micro skills to win a game in 1v1 and 2v2?

It definitely influences a lot. But to win a game, i would rather have more macro skills and experience, especially on big maps.

21. GameReplays : When you're not gaming or posting on Gamereplays, what do you do in your everyday life?

I go to college, meet my friends, read books and think...

22. GameReplays : Where do you see yourself in 5 Years from now?

My eyes are blurry to my future. Just enjoying the life as it is I guess.

23. GameReplays : If you could give one tip of advice to others like you, what would it be?

Watch pro replays or gameplays, practise the moves you learned from them. Don't stick with same players, same maps, same game mods. Eventually you will get the taste of playing the game in a high level.

24. GameReplays : If you want to meet a bfme player in real life who would be that player? why?

I don't want to separate them. Wish we could all meet up.

25. GameReplays : Who do you think is best bfme player right now?

Alan, aka LATINO

26. GameReplays : Who do you think is the best player of all times?

I wasn't there to see those glory days unfortunately. So, my answer will be same: LATINO

27. GameReplays : Competitive games or fun games?

Competitive games

28. GameReplays : If you had a time machine, would you go back in time or visit the future?


29. GameReplays : What is your dream in life?

Finding the peace that everyone is looking for.

30. GameReplays : What has been the biggest challenge in your life so far?

Trying to find the purpose of the life. Pretty cliche isn't it)

31. GameReplays : If you could star in a movie, what genre would it be and what role would you play?

Fantasy/Sci-Fi/Philosophical, I would be the guy who controls the system and knows everything. But for the others' sake i wouldn't talk much.

32. GameReplays : If you had to move to another country, which country would you pick and why?

Could be New Zealand, Beautiful and Peaceful place

33. GameReplays : What is your all-time favourite or current favourite songs?

I like all kind of music except heavy metal. But i listen mostly movie/series OST so i can listen while reading or studying.

34. GameReplays : Favorite Holiday?


35. GameReplays : If you could be any fictional character, who would you choose?

I would choose Erwin Smith from Attack on Titan.

36. GameReplays : If you could only have one meal (including drink) for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Manti (Turkish ravioli) and just give me my water.

37. GameReplays : If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do?


Thank you for doing this interview with me.

GameReplays : Thanks!

With that, we have reached the end of this edition of Spotlight! Stay tuned as we will be interviewing more players from the BFME scene in the future. As always, if you would like any particular players to be interviewed or if you have any thoughts on this interview, do comment below!