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By Forlong - 27th December 2010 - 20:53 PM

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Do NOT let this die. Please! There will always be newer and "fancier" games, but trust me, the great ones are hard to come by - especially one(s) which you and so many great players helped shaping up.... For the record, the very first game I've modded for, TA:Kingdoms, is still played on alternative servers, some ten years after I've release it! I hope and believe that in 4, 5 years I WILL proudly say the same about the BfME game series.Source: MaDDoX, Creator of BFME I v1.03, BFME II v1.06, and BFME II BT2:DC

Chances are that if you've found this page, you know about the official server shutdown for the BFME series, and are here to learn how to continue to play online with the GameReplays community. Well, you've come to the right place.


Of the numerous options we had for playing online, we quickly narrowed our potential picks down to two programs: GameRanger and Tunngle. Each program has some very significant advantages over the other, but also significant disadvantages, as well. There are big fans of each program, but there's no way around disappointing the fans of one program or the other. It is of utmost importance for us, as a community, to stand united in the face of the upcoming server shutdown. Each Battle for Middle-earth game still has a strong enough community to remain a great, active game, even without official servers. But this can only happen if we all stick together. In the end, we decided that sticking together on GameRanger is the best option for our community. Learn about why we selected GameRanger instead of Tunngle.

GameRanger Guide
We strongly recommend that you read our GameRanger Guide to quickly learn how to use GameRanger, and for some helpful tips, like how to avoid joining games that have already started.

Download the GameRanger client at www.gameranger.com. There are a few things you should know before you start playing with us, however. First, we're not going to start using GameRanger until January 1. Don't expect to find many other players on GameRanger during December.

Be sure to include the game size and the tag [1.03] in the game name. It's extremely annoying to start a game, only to discover that your opponent isn't on 1.03. Do not join somebody's game if he hasn't listed [1.03] in the game name; he's probably on 1.00, and if he's not, then he needs to learn our rule for naming rooms with the patch. Instead, send him a PM to recommend that he visit our site to learn about joining our community.

Here's an example of a good room name: [1.03] 1v1 Fords. "1v1" is optional, since this should be indicated by the size of the game room if you've set two players as the max room size.

That's all you need to know to get online and start playing with us. May the Battle for Middle-earth continue!