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Heroes of Newerth

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GameReplays.org, in association with S2 Games, is extremely excited to announce the commencement of Amateur League Season 3, and this time around we're featuring a prize pool of 10,000 Gold Coins! Our first two seasons were extremely popular, and we look forward to another successful tournament season featuring more amazing matches.

This league is for all you Heroes of Newerth Amateurs out there, for you to feel the competitiveness of this awesome game, and most importantly to have a lot of fun.


  • This tournament is meant for Amateur players only, however there are no set MMR restrictions. If you have won cash prizes from Heroes of Newerth in the past you are ineligible to participate. Suspected smurfing will result in IP checks and, if guilty, bans from future GR tournaments.
  • There will be two divisions (US and EU).
  • There will be four tournament qualifiers for each division, followed by a 8-Team Single Elimination Bo3 Division Championship Bracket.
  • Limit of 32 teams per division per qualifier. Seeds will be random for the first week, then by ladder points for the following weeks.
  • Signups end at midnight CST of the Friday before each Saturday Tournament Qualifier, or whenever all 32 slots are filled.
  • Teams MUST include preferred playing server so there is no issues about ping during the Tournament, but in US division US servers will be used, and in the EU one, EU servers.
  • The Season is scheduled to last 5 weeks including the Division Battle Championship (US vs. EU).
  • After all four qualifiers are completed, the top 8 teams from each Division will be seeded into a single elimination tournament that will start on the last and final week.
  • Each team will have to hand in a roster that consists of all team members (min 5, max 10) and regular ringers. Changes must be accepted by tournament admin prior to match play.


Amateur League Championship Overall Winner (EU vs US) - 5000 Gold Coins
Amateur League Championship Runner Up (EU vs US) - 3000 Gold Coins
Amateur League Division Runner Up (EU) - 1000 Gold Coins
Amateur League Division Runner Up (US) - 1000 Gold Coins

Season Schedule

  • February 4, 2012 – Week 1 Qualifier (matches best-of-one)
  • February 11, 2012 – Week 2 Qualifier (matches best-of-one)
  • February 18, 2012 – Week 3 Qualifier (matches best-of-one)
  • February 25, 2012 – Week 4 Qualifier (matches best-of-one)
  • March 3, 2012 – Division Elite 8 (matches best-of-three)
  • March 3, 2012 – Division Final 4 (matches best-of-three)
  • March 4, 2012 - Division Championship Finals (matches best-of-three)
  • March 4, 2012 - Division Battle Championship (US vs. EU) (matches best-of-three)
Weekly Qualifiers begin at 17:00 CET (EU Division) and 15:00EST/12:00PST (US Division)
Division Championships Weekend Part 1: 19:00 CET/13:00 EST/12:00 CST
Division Championships Weekend Part 2: 19:00 CET/13:00 EST/12:00 CST


If you have any questions, please PM the League Admin `Swiss. [In game: Swiss]