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Kanes Wrath

Kane's Wrath Ladder Wars Finals Season 1
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Peace Through Power: The Arsenal Of Nod

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The Second Tiberium War left the Brotherhood of Nod splintered and leaderless with the presumed death of Kane. The decades afterward were filled with infighting and apostasy from Kane's vision, led by charismatic but independent-minded leaders such as Marcion, the head of the Black Hand. However, rumors of Kane's demise turned out to be greatly exaggerated. Operating in secret, he rebuilt and reunited the Brotherhood of Nod into a force to be reckoned with, a force that could challenge GDI. His leadership provided the "one vision, one purpose" for Nod and his scientists invented new weapons that remained in the Nod arsenal even as the Third Tiberium War wound down.

In comparison with the standard Nod arsenal in Tiberium Wars, players will note these key differences:

New units: Nod has added the Reckoner personnel carrier, Specter artillery, and the enormous Redeemer to its arsenal.
New structures: The Combat Support Airfield provides a simple, cheaper location to re-arm and repair Nod's air fleets, while the Voice of Kane bestows inspiration to Nod's infantry. The Redeemer Engineering Facility is a specialized vehicle production structure capable of building the Redeemer.
New upgrades: Nod's Attack Bikes, SAMs, and Stealth Tanks benefit from the power of Tiberium Core missiles, while its defenses can be upgraded to Quad Turrets. Disruption Pods carried by Vertigos now allow other units to enjoy stealth as well.
New support powers: The fearsome Tiberium Vein Detonation destroys not only Tiberium fields but any units in the vicinity also while Redemption finds a use for slain militants in transforming them into cyborg Awakened. On the defensive side, Laser Fencing adds enhanced protection to Nod structures.

Be aware that other changes including prices and unit statistics may differ from the Nod arsenal in Command & Conquer 3. Check out our full listing below for the complete Nod inventory.

For the complete breakdown of the Nod arsenal, check out the individual pages below:Also, don�t forget our complete tech tree and our unit trees.

This information was compiled using version 1.02 of Kane�s Wrath. Corrections and discussion may be found here.

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