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Kanes Wrath

Kane's Wrath Ladder Wars Finals Season 1
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Ready for Zone Ops: The Arsenal of ZOCOM

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The redoubled efforts of GDI in combating the spread of Tiberium were perhaps most evident in the formation of the Zone Operations Command, or ZOCOM. Composed of battle-hardened veterans capable of operating for prolonged periods of time in the inhospitable Red Zones, ZOCOM was led by one of GDI's first female generals, C. Elena Renteria. After information obtained from the Tacitus allowed GDI to find the resonant frequency of Tiberium against Tiberium using sonic technology, ZOCOM commanders were quick to arm their soldiers with the latest in GDI's sonic weapons.

In comparison with the standard GDI arsenal in Kane's Wrath, players will note these key differences:

Alternate units: Zone Troopers have been replaced by the more versatile Zone Raiders. The Shatterer has been upgraded into the more powerful Zone Shatterer. ZOCOM Orcas have also been retrofitted to carry area-of-effect sonic grenades; this transition is also observed on Orcas designated for ZOCOM Orca Strike missions. Rocket Harvesters have supplanted the standard Harvester.

No Railguns or artillery: ZOCOM prefers to rely on its infantry and aircraft and as such does not employ Railguns or Juggernauts.

Faction-specific upgrades: Ceramic Armor replaces Hardpoints, making ZOCOM aircraft significantly more resilient. Tiberium Field Suits replace Composite Armor at the Armory, carrying the same armor benefits at a cheaper cost plus conveying immunity to Tiberium.

Modified support powers: The Zone Trooper Drop Pod has been replaced by the Zone Raider Drop Pod. The Orca Strike launches sonic grenades with significantly more splash damage.

Be aware that other changes including prices and unit statistics may differ from the standard GDI arsenal. See our full listing below for the complete ZOCOM inventory.

For the complete breakdown of the ZOCOM arsenal, check out the individual pages below:Also, don’t forget our complete tech tree and our unit trees.

This information was compiled using version 1.02 of Kane’s Wrath. Corrections and discussion may be found at here.

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