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Tip of the Week #32 - Identifying Upgraded Units

By trojan.x - 4th November 2008 - 01:42 AM

Ever been in that situation where you've wondered why your 50 Scorpions just got raped by his 30? Or indeed why that guy's tank is glowing blue and simply won't die? If yes, then you've probably failed to work out what the unit upgrades look like, and have thus failed to take them into account when trying to counter your opponent (Zone Troopers vs Dozer Scorpions is always a funny one).

Upgrades have a huge effect on gameplay, and can massively improve a unit's battlefield performance. Most upgrades in Kane's Wrath have a visual addition to the units it affects, and, for Scrin and Nod, also shows a visual on the building it was upgraded on. This Tip of the Week focuses on identifying unit upgrades in the field for GDI forces, so as to be prepared for them when it comes to combat.

Command Post

AP Ammo

Upgrade that increases the damage of most "Gun" equipped units in your army. Visual affects include a bigger, meaner gun, which fires thicker and more "yellowy" bullets.

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Riflemen, Watchtower and APC with (right) and without (left) the upgrade

Scanner Packs

This upgrade allows Zone Troopers to detect stealthed units, and increases their sight radius. It appears as a small aerial on each trooper's back.

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Zone Troopers with (bottom) and without (top) scanner packs

Sensor Pods

Allows Orcas to drop a Sensor Pod for $500 each. This is one of two upgrades to not have a visual effect.

Building Visuals

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Scanner packs are in the bottom left corner. Sensor pods in the middle. AP ammo in the bottom right.