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Kane's Wrath Ladder Wars Finals Season 1
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Tip of the Week # 11: Leading Your Shots

By Suprise - 8th June 2008 - 08:30 AM

Learning how to lead shots with your units in CnC3 is very important, and can be vital to the success of certain units. If you are having trouble properly controlling Artillery units, ZOCOM Orcas, or any other unit you are having trouble targeting, this TotW will explain the art of force firing and leading your shots.

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=> - Direction of movement

As you can see; the Devastator Warship's discs are missing the Zone Raiders and hitting the area indicated by the red square. This is because they were ordered to attack normally, so they fire where the Zone Raiders were as the shot was fired and not at the direction where they are moving.

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=> - Direction of movement

Using force fire (Ctrl + A), both Devastator Warships fired towards the red X. The discs arrived by the time the Zone Raiders in the box entered the area and therefore they were destroyed. Remember to cancel the force fire order (hotkey S) after every volley, or the Warships will continue to attack the same spot.

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Above you can see a veteran scorpion tank retreating toward its base. To hit this tank with Orcas (and grenadiers for a little extra damage) You will need to force attack into the blue square.

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In this last example you can see that this specter is trying to target a group of infantry. Specters are especially slow at firing, and the shell itself is not very fast. To hit the target, you will need to force attack in the blue box to hit the center of the infantry group. Remember that you need to lead more generously with specters than with most artillery units in the game.