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Tip of the Week #25 - Effective Specter Bombing

By N00bKefka - 14th September 2008 - 15:54 PM

Ever wonder what you will get for getting specter to heroic level? Your specter's firing rate will increase significantly and damage increased too. That means you got yourself a hidden spam killing monster! The best way to get them to heroic level isn't by clearing buildings but by crushing tank/man spam. But how do you do that?


Blind Fire

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The term 'blind fire' means you are going to abuse specter's super long range and fire on fog. Most common location for tankspam is normally right in front of a war factory. But don't fire on that forever, just 1 shot and run away (for MoK and V.Nod case, they will restealth, BH case.. better protect them). Although it's better for you to send a buggy/bike to see where the spam is. Check out TotW 10 for more info on scouting. Make sure you leave a militant behind to see if the enemy tries to follow.

Targeting ground and not a single unit

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Timing is the key to make sure you get a hit and during battles, constant ground firing is better than targeting a moving unit. If your enemy's spam somewhat cramped up together, they became perfect target practice for your specters and after 1 shot from several specters each (preferably 5-7), one of them gonna get to heroic for being a kill stealer. Work well on manspam too, when you actually target their steamroll route which is normally from their base to your base. AKA, target in front of manspam.

Coordinating with EMP

The only official 1v1 map with EMP center is Decision, which means it will be a lot easier to get heroic specter in Decision. However, Nod does have their own EMP unit, which is the buggies and for MoK case, the enlightened. EMP makes tankspam become sitting ducks, another great opportunity for specters group to deal massive damage on tankspam.


How to defend your specters?

Well, the best way to protect your specters is try not to let your enemy knows that your have them until major battle where they piss your enemy off by clearing his tankspam. However, if you choose to strike first, you gotta protect your specters like a baby.

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Generally, when you are camping right outside the enemy base with a lot of turrets and units inside (hopefully there are not snipers + juggernaut, devastator or other specters), you need some group of force to defend your specters. Decide your formation well, especially BH, plan where should you place your purfiers and mantis to keep your nonstealthed specters away from harm. With the help of these images, hopefully you will get the general idea.

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The image above shows a very familiar place in Tournament Decision. But I m not going to show you the nubby spam hug protecting style. However, I m going to use this terrain as a perfect example on defending you specter tactically.

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The SRR here doesn't stands for Senior Replay Reviewer. It stands for Specter Retreating Route. You must have either the tier 1 crap or the avatar/purifiers or both to do such protecting. Whenever you see the enemy advancing towards your specter, your first priority is reverse your reverse your specters out of the action. Then get your tier 1 into the action if you have it. Avatars are great unit's to buy time for your specters to retreat due to their high hp. All Nod's tier 1 vehicle are fast enough to back specters up. Your enemy will concentrate on killing your tier 1 spam and that is the time that they will stop for your specter to fire. When your enemy's spam stops and battles.....FIRE AWAY!

This option is only available for V.Nod and MoK. All you need to do is stop your specter's fire when being attacked. Just pray that there is no detectors. It work like black lotus' re-stealth, just slower.