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Tip of the Week #33 - Identifying Upgraded Nod Units

By X-Flame - 10th November 2008 - 17:40 PM

In continuation of last week's Tip of the Week we will showcase the Brotherhood of Nod units and buildings to help you identified those superior peripherals. Many of their units can be upgraded, but sometimes the difference is visually hard to spot, so this easy-to-use guide will help to distinguish between the dangerous and the extremely dangerous.

Vanilla Nod

Operations Center

Dozer Blades
The Dozer Blades upgrade gives both your Scorpion Tank as well as your Reckoners a health boost, it makes them immune to mines and the crush damage when driving over Disintegrators, and allows Reckoners and the Scorpion tanks to drive over heavy infantry, such as Zone Troopers. Visually it adds a dozer blade to the front of the vehicle.

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The Scorpion Tank and Reckoner without (upper picture) and with (lower picture) the Dozer Blades upgrade.

Quad Turret
The Quad Turret adds a fourth turret to your Shredder and Laser Turrets. It should be very easy to see this, as a fourth turret is placed directly on the hub.

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When purchased, you can see the Dozer Blades lying in front of the building.

Tech Lab

EMP Coils
The EMP Coils upgrade gives your Buggies the ability to blast off an EMP burst around them, disabling vehicles around them, including themselves, for a short while. Visually it adds two small antennae to the back of the Buggy.

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The Buggy without (upper picture) and with (lower picture) the EMP Buggy upgrade.

Tiberium Core Missiles
The Tiberium Core Missile upgrade gives your SAM Turrets, Stealth Tanks, and Attack Bikes a considerable amount of extra firepower. Visually it makes the rocket pack on the unit/SAM Turret green. Also, all rockets fired become slightly green.

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The SAM Turret, Stealth Tank, and Attack Bike without (upper picture) and with (lower picture) the Tiberium Core Missiles upgrade.

Laser Capacitors
The Laser Capacitors upgrade gives a damage boost to your Laser Turrets, Scorpion Tanks, Venoms, and Raider Buggies. Visually the upgrade can only be seen on the Scorpion Tank, where the turret is moved to the back of the tank. It also makes the shots fired from your Raider Buggy, Scorpion Tank, and Venom a bright red laser beam.

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The Laser Turret, Scorpion Tank and Buggy without (upper picture) and with (lower picture) the Laser Capacitor upgrade.

The upgrades can be seen on the Tech Lab when purchased:

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The EMP Buggy upgrade is the dual antenna to the left, the Tiberium Core Missiles upgrade is the green box in the lower right corner, and the Laser Capacitor upgrade is the antenna in the upper right corner.

Secret Shrine

Tiberium Infusion
The Tiberium upgrade gives your Militant Squads and Fanatics a health boost, as well as making them immune to Tiberium radiation. Visually it adds a green smoke trail around them.

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The Militant Squad and Fanatics without (upper picture) and with (lower picture) the Tiberium Infusion upgrade.

Confessor Cabal
The Confessor Cabal upgrade adds a Confessor Cabal to your Militant Squads, giving them extra health, as well as the ability to throw hallucinogenic grenades at enemy infantry. Visually it adds a Confessor Cabal to your Militant Squads, so it should be very easy to see.

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The Tiberium Infusion upgrade can be seen by smoke coming out of the top of the Shrine.